Can you see beyon There?

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

The time when I was "There"

There was a time in my life when I managed to live in an amazing place, where the forests are huge and the fog that floats among them is beautiful, it carries with it a charm that makes you feel happy all the time, a place where present is all that exists, where Elven kind and Men look at each other as equals.
That place is plagued with fairies and elves with eyes of thousand colors, there are gnomes and dragons too, dwarfs and wizards and the most exceptional musicians that I ever heard, and their music cheers up even the most shadowed and bitter heart.
In that place I knew lots of people that, like me, wanted to live “There”, I saw many come and go, and many more stay forever.
I took the task of knowing that world from tip to tip, flying on the back of dragon, or mounted on a huge black percheron or even clinging to a sea monster’s flipper.
I roamed on beautiful grasslands and pasturelands that look like green oceans where the buffalo and the unicorn herds run.
I traveled exquisite desserts of red, blue and yellow sands, chasing sunsets with multicolor suns.
I had the chance of plunging depthless fog and water oceans, I saw their waves breaking on crystal and carbon reefs where the mermaids and mermen sing, stealing your soul.
I climbed the most high abysses and cliffs where all kind of flying beasts nest, fenix, sphinxes, giant vultures, flying turtles and gryphons.  
I got mudded in the moldy swamps and marshes where the terrible seven headed hydra and the diamond scaled lizard makes their lair.
I had all kinds of adventures, shoulder to shoulder with amazing knights, courageous maidens, with chunky dwarfs and wise wizards.
I absorbed the very essence of this world, impregnating me of its magic till I became part of it so deeply that even now I still feel it.
I can’t tell what happened, but one day, I wasn’t “There” any more, now I live in other world, “Here”, it’s not better or worse than that, it is simply different, never the less, every now and then, turning on a corner, I cross with a distracted elf, or a grumpy dwarf, or even sometimes I end involved in some adventure with a wizard, some other times I recognize the beauty of the fairies on a familiar face, there are other times, when I found myself articulating word on the elfish language.
I´m not sure of what happened, maybe just my way of seeing things changed, or maybe the way that things see me changed, but the sure thing is that I was there!, and I’m a citizen of that wonderful world!, and I will never forget it! Who knows, maybe someday I will fly on the back of that dragon, or dance with the fairies for a hundred years in the center of a mushroom circle.
That´s the reason of writing this, maybe you can, like me, change your way of seeing things, and, who knows, maybe someday we will meet, taking a walk across the amazing lands of “There”.

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